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査読付き研究論文(SCI Journourls.)

査読付き研究論文(国際会議Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Artificial Neural Network Applications in Power Systems in Japan," NSF Workshop on Applic. of ANN Methodology in Power Syst. Eng., Clemson, SC, USA,, April 1990.

  2. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Prediction of Power System Voltage Harmonics Using an Artificial Neural Net," NSF Workshop on Applic. of ANN Methodology in Power Syst. Eng., Clemson, SC, USA, April 1990..

  3. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Determination of Power System Topological Observability Using the Boltzmann Machine," IEEE ISCAS '90, pp.2938-2941, May 1990.

  4. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Comparison between Back-propagation and Revised GMDH Techniques for Predicting Voltages Harmonics," IEEE ISCAS '90, pp.1102-1105, May 1990.

  5. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "A Fast Method for Topological Observability Using a Minimum Spanning Tree," IEEE PES Summer Meeting Paper No.SP 90-004, USA, July 1990.

  6. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "On-line Assessment of Power System Dynamic Stability Using an Artificial Neural Network," First Int'l Conf. on Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks, pp.123-126, Iizuka, Japan, July 1990.

  7. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Application of an Artificial Neural Network to Optimal Power Flow Problems in Electric Power Systems," NEURONET'90, pp.243-245, Prague, Sep. 1990.

  8. H. Mori, S. Tuzuki, H. Uematsu and K. Ito,"An Artificial Neural Net Based Method for Predicting Power System Voltage Harmonics," IEEE PES 1990 Int'l Power Meeting, Paper No. 90 IC 583-5 PWRD, New Deli, India, Oct. 1990.

  9. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "A Robust QP-Based Algorithm for Power System State Estimation," ASTED Int'l Symp. on Power High Tech '91, pp.130-134, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, March 1991.



  1. H. Mori, "Estimating Critical Points on Static Voltage Stability in Electric Power Systems," Energy Seminar, Drexel University, Philadeiphia, USA., May 1990.

  2. H. Mori, "Identification of Harmonic Loads in Power Systems Using an Artifical Neural Network," IEEE Luncheon Meeting in Philadelphia Joint Chapter of PES/IAS, May 1990

  3. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Determination of Power System Topological Observability Using the Boltzmann Machine," Energy Seminar, Drexel University, Philadeiphia, USA, May 1990.


  1. 森,都築,気谷:「最適潮流計算へのHopfield型ニューラルネットの適用について」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-8,July 1990.

  2. 森,都築:「確率的ニューラルネットを用いた状態推定のトポロジー可観測性解析」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-9,July 1990.

  3. 森,都築,合田:「高調波を発生する電力系統における最適キャパシタ設置法について」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-9,July 1990.

  4. 森,都築,植松:「確率的ニューラルネットを用いた高調波の分類」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-17,July 1990.

  5. 森,都築,菅野:「前処理付き逆反復法を用いた動態安定度評価法について」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-111,July 1990.

  6. 森,都築,田丸:「自己組織化特徴マッピングを用いた動態安定度評価」電気学会 電力技術研究会 PE-90-112,July 1990.

  7. 森,都築:「ニューラルネットを用いた電力系統の動態安定度推定」電気学会 電気学会B部門大会,論文II,,July 1990.


査読付き研究論文(SCI Journals.)

  1. H. Mori, H. Uematsu, S. Tuzuki, T. Sakurai, Y. Kojima, and N. Sato., "Relationship between Voltage Harmonics and Distortion Factor in Electric Power Systems," Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 65-76, July 1989.

査読付き研究論文(国際会議Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "A Technique for Estimating Security Margin to Voltage Instability Using Multiple Load Flow Solutions," Proc. of IEEE ISCAS '89, pp. 503-506, Portrand, OR, USA May 1989.

  2. H. Mori, et al., "Identification of Harmonic Loads in Power Systems Using an Artificial Neural Network," Proc of Second Symp. on Expert Syst. Application to Power Syst., pp. 371-378, Seattle, WA, USA, July 1989.

  3. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Power System Topological Observability Analysis Using a Neural Network Model," Proc. of 2nd Symp. on Expert Syst.Application to Power Syst., pp. 385-391, Seattle, WA, USA, July 1989.

  4. H. Mori and S. Tuzuki, "Estimating Critical Points on Static Voltage Stability in Electric Power Systems," IFAC Symp. on Power Syst. & Power Plant Control, pp. 550-554,Seoul, Korea, Aug. 1989.



  1. H. Mori, "Identification of Harmonic Loads in Power Systems Using an Artificial Neural Network," Invited Seminar at Univ. of Britisch Columbia,Vancouve, Canada, Jily 1989.



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査読付き研究論文(SCI journal)


査読付き研究論文(SCI journalでない論文)

  1. 森, 都築,「電力系統状態推定のための高速トポロジー可観測性解析法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 108-B, No.6, pp. 237-244 (1988-6).

査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. H. Mori, S. Tsuzuki, T. Sakurai, Y. Kojima, and N. Sato., "Relationship between Voltage Harmonics and Distortion Factor in Electric Power Systems," Proc. of SEEIA-88, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 1988.

  2. H. Mori and S. Tsuzuki, "Identification of Harmonic Current Characteristics in Power Systems," Proc. of  Third Int’l  Conf. on Harmonics in Power Systems, 6 pages, Purdue University , West, Lafayette, IN, USA, Sep. 1988.







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