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査読付き研究論文(SCI journal)


査読付き研究論文(SCI journalでない論文)


査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. H. Mori, S. Tsuzuki, T. Sakurai, Y. Kojima, and N. Sato., "Relationship between Voltage Harmonics and Distortion Factor in Electric Power Systems," Proc. of SEEIA-88, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 1988.

  2. H. Mori and S. Tsuzuki, "Identification of Harmonic Current Characteristics in Power Systems," Proc. of  Third Int’l  Conf. on Harmonics in Power Systems, 6 pages, Purdue University , West, Lafayette, IN, USA, Sep. 1988.




研究会・講演Under Condtruction


査読付き研究論文(SCI journal)
査読付き研究論文(SCI journalでない論文)


査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. H. Mori and S. Tsuzuki, "New Advances of Power System Probabilistic Stability Using the Bilinear Transform of the System Matrix," Proc. of IEEE MONTECH '86, 6 pages, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 1986.

  2. Y. Tamura and H. Mori, "Comparison of Approaches to Meter Placement in Power System Static-State Estimation," Proc. of  IASTED Int’l Symposium on Power High Tech ‘86, 6 pages , Bozeman, Montana, Aug. 1986.

  3. Y. Tamura and H. Mori, "Var Allocation Using Stochastic Load Flow," Proc. of 1986 IFAC Symp. on Power Systems and Plants, 6 pages, Beijing, China, Aug. 1986.




研究会・講演Under Condtruction



査読付き研究論文(SCI Journal)

  1. Hiroyuki Mori and Yasuo Tamura, "Var allocation using probabilistic loadr flow,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 105, Issue 6, pp. 65-73, Sept. 1985

  2. Naoto Yorino, Yoshiaki Nagashima,Testu Kubota, Hiroyuki Mori and Yasuo Tamura, "Parametric resonce of power systems,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 105, Issue 6, pp. 74-82, Oct. 1985.

  3. Hiroyuki Mori and Yasuo Tamura, "Determination of Correlation Coefficients in Stochastic Load Flow Using Kalman Filter,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 106, Issue 2, pp. 65-73, Sept. 1986

査読付き研究論文(SCI Journalでない論文)

  1. 森, 田村,「確率論的潮流計算におけるノード注入電力相関決定へのカルマンフィルタの応用」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 106, 2月号,  pp. 81-88(1986-1).

  2. 餘利野,長島,久保田,森,田村,「電力系統安定度におけるパラメータ共振について」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 105,10月号,  pp. 805-812(1985-10).

  3. 森, 田村,「確率論的潮流計算によるVar設置計画」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 105, 9月号,  pp. 63-69(1985-9).

査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)

  1. Y. Tamura and H. Mori, "Determination of Correlation Coefficients in Stochastic Load Flow Using Kalman Filter," Proc. of 1985 IFAC Symp. on Power Systems and Plants, 6 pages, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jul. 1985.



研究会・講演Under Condtruction

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