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The 10th Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES2018)

Sept. 4-6

Tokyo, Japan

Welcome  to IFAC CPES2018



Sep. 06, 2018   The total number of the attendees was 227 from 30 countries. The next event  of 

                          CSGRES 2019 will be held from June 10 to 12 , 2019,  Juju, South Korea.

Sep. 01, 2018   Final Program was updated.

Aug. 31, 2018   Final Program  and Paper Presentation ware revised.

Aug. 30, 2018  Plenary Talk 2 was switched with Plenary Talk 3. As a result, the plenary talks were

                         given as follows:

                         Plenary 1: Prof. H.D. Chiang(Cornell University, USA), "Feasible Region of Optimal                                                    Power Flow:Theory, Methods, Bifurcations and Applications"

                         Plenary 2: Prof. Jaeseok Choi (Gyeongsang National University, Korea), "Probabilistic

                                          Simulation Methodologies of Power System Considering Renewable

                                          Energy Generators"

                        Plenary 3: Prof. Sukumar Mishra (IIT-Delhi, India),"Ancillary Services by Photo Voltaic

                                            (PV) Energy Conversion Systems"                       

                         Plenary 4: Prof. Ying-Yi Hong (Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan), "Taguchi

                                           Method Applied to Power and Energy Studies"

Aug. 27, 2018  ●Buttons of Information on typhoon, JR Narita Express and Keisei Skyliner ware

                         added on the menu above.

                         ●Weather info on the left hand was updated to include six-day ahead forecasts.

                         Please bring a folding umbrella since the weather is quite unstable recently.

Aug. 25, 2018 Final Program was uploaded.

Aug. 21, 2018  Guideline of paper presentation was shown.

Aug. 19, 2018  Adavanced Program was revised.

Aug. 15, 2018  Early registration deadline was postponed until Aug. 20, 2018(JST).

Aug. 14, 2018  Registration of Stage 2 has started since 3 am, Aug. 14, 2018(JST). Thank you for

                         your patience.

Aug. 04, 2018  Advanced program was revised.

July 27,  2018  Registration system for attendess outside Japan was open today!. At least one

                         of the authors of the final papers has to make  registration of Stage 1  until Aug. 5,

                        2018 .

July 23,  2018  Following numerous requests, the submission of the final paper submission was

                         extended until July 31, 2018.

July 19,  2018  The advanced program V2.1 was open.

July  17, 2018 ● As mentioned in the HP of CPES2018 on July 12, we have separated 

                        the CPES registration into two:

                         1) The Registration Web for attendees who live outside Japan (Due to the unexpected

                             delay of the approval of VISA/MASTER Card clearance, the web will be open around

                             July 22, 2018.) 

                         2) The Registration Web for attendees who live in Japan ( The web is already open since

                             July 13, 2018.)

                        ●If you need the invitation letter, please e-mail us the following information:

                        1)Your paper # & title:

                          2)Your position or title:

                          3)Your affiliation:

                          4)Your office address:

                          5)Your zip code:

                          6)Your office phone number:

                          7)Your gender:

                          8) Preferable shipping method  by E-mail or EMS

July  13, 2018 The following plenary talks will be given at CPES2018 on Sep. 4 and 5:

                        Plenary 1: Prof. H.D. Chiang(Cornell University, USA), "Feasible Region of Optimal                                                    Power Flow:Theory, Methods, Bifurcations and Applications"

                        Plenary 2: Prof. Sukumar Mishra (IIT-Delhi, India),"Ancillary Services by Photo Voltaic

                                            (PV) Energy Conversion Systems"

                        Plenary 3: Prof. Jaeseok Choi (Gyeongsang National University, Korea), "Probabilistic

                                          Simulation Methodologies of Power System Considering Renewable

                                          Energy Generators"

                         Plenary 4: Prof. Ying-Yi Hong (Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan), "Taguchi

                                           Method Applied to Power and Energy Studies"

                         Also, three tutorials wiil be organized on the afternoon of  Sep. 3, 2018 :

                         Tutorial 1: Mr. Kenichiro Hashimoto (Marubeni Power Retail Corp., Japan), "Current

           Stutas of Japan  Power Market"

                         Tutorial 2: Prof. Hideo Ishii  (Waseda University, Japan),"Recent Trends on Demand 

                                          Response in Japan"

                         Tutorial 3: Dr. Marta  Marmomilli (Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan), "System   

                                          Integration Technologies for Renewables"

                        Furthermore, six invited sessions ware accepted.

July 12, 2018  Program-at-Glance and the table of paper assignment  were open. The registration

                        site for the attendees who live  in Japan was open.

                        However, the site for  the attendess who live outside Japan will be open on July 22,                                2018 due to the unexpected delaof credit inquiry by VISA and Master Card

                       Companies. The attendees who live outside Japan are allowed to pay for the                                           registration fees by only the Credit Cards.

                       The deadline of  registrations waspostponed until July 31, 2018

July  01, 2018 The date on the final paper submission was changed from July 8, 2018 to July 20, 2018

                        due to the adjustments of the registration system. Please note that the registration

                         system will be open around July 10, 2018. 

June 25, 2018 The authors of the accepted papers must upload  the papers through

                         PaperPlaza Conference Submission System until July 8, 2018 and make the

                         registration until July 20, 2018. Otherwise, the  papers will not be included in the                                   proceedings. Please  note that IFAC PDF  conversion system is stricter with some 

                        mistakes and  give  yourself a plenty of time to submit your papers. The registration

                        site is now under construction and  will be opening  soon.

June 24, 2018 The notification of paper acceptance  was finally sent to all the corresponding

                        authors. If you need VISA, please confirm  the VISA site.

June 04, 2018 The notification of paper acceptance was postponed until June 11, 2018 because

                       the CPES2018 proceeding editor, Prof. Istvan Erlich, passed away on  May 24, 2018.

​Mar. 11, 2018  Several tutorials and the reception will be held in the afternoon of  Monday, Sep. 3,

                        2018  and the details will  be  given later.

Mar. 07, 2018  The deadline of the papers submission was postponed until March 31, 2018.

Feb. 20, 2018  The deadline  of  regular and invited paper submission was extended until March 9,


Feb. 06, 2018  The deadline of invited session proposals was postponed until Feb. 13, 2018  

Jan. 31, 2018  Term "Special Sessions" was changed to "Invited Sessions" to avoid

                        misunderstanig in this Web because the IFAC paper submission web has used term

                       "Invited Sessions" rather than "Special Sessions. Also, how to submit invited papers

                        for the Web was added to"Paper Submission".

Jan. 23, 2018  CPES2018 has been  supported by the following orgaizations: Meiji University,                                          TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co.), CEPCO (Chubu Electric Power  Co.), CRIEPI                                         (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), Mitsubishi Electric, Fuji                                            Electric, Meidensha and Hitachi.

Jan. 22, 2018 The deadline of regular and invited paper submisson was postponed until Feburuary

                        23, 2018 and Third Call-for-Papers was released.

Dec. 06, 2017 Call for Papers was updated to correct the web address of Authors Guide.

Nov. 28, 2017 Call for Invited Sessions was modified to include 6 papers rather than 5 ones.

Nov. 23, 2017 Procedures of Paper Submission was open. 

Nov. 22, 2017  Call for Invited Sessions was released.

Aug. 23, 2017 Second Announcement and Call-for-Papers was released.

Aug. 22, 2017 Reasonble hotel information was added to ”Accomodations.”

Aug. 22, 2017 This site was renewed with the new domain throughly.

Jul.   03, 2017 The HP  was open.
Jul.   02, 2017 First Announcement and Call-for-Papers was released.

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