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Paper Submission

Accepted papers must comply with the standard IFAC conference format and must not exceed 6 two-column pages. Each paper should be prepared in accordance with the IFAC-Elsevier style (see the IFAC Author Guide). Only the PDF file format is supported. A full registration fee on behalf of one of the authors will be required at the time of uploading the final version of the accepted papers.


1. The templates for the preparation of the manuscript may be downloaded from

  the IFAC Conference Manuscript Management System.

2.  Each author is required to create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) before submitting papers to PaperPlaza conference submission system. Please make sure the following site:
3. The IFAC copyright conditions are available at the following site:

4. Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFAC meeting will be published in the proceedings       of  the event using the open-access IFACPapersOnLine.



There exist two ways of submitting Regular and Invited Papers for CPES2018 as follows:

<Regular Papers>

a) Regular Papers must be submitted through PaperPlaza Conference Submission System by March 31,  2018. 

b) Please visit CPES2018 in the list of conferences, click "submit a contribution to CPES2018", and click "submit" for Regular Paper.

c) The authors of the accepted papers must upload  the papers through PaperPlaza Conference Submission System until July 31, 2018 and make the registrations of Stages 1 and 2 until August 5, 2018 and August 15, 2018, respectively. Otherwise, the  papers will not be included in the proceedings. Please  note that IFAC PDF  conversion system is stricter and  give yourself a plenty of time to submit your papers.



<Invited Papers>

a) Invited Papers must be submitted through PaperPlaza Conference Submission System by March 31,  2018

b) By Invited Papers we mean the papers at Invited Sessions that have been accepted by CPES2018. 

c) The invited paper authors are not allowed to submit their papers  to Regular Paper Submission site if you do not have the instructions. Please visit CPES2018 in the list of conferences, click "submit a contribution to CPES2018", and click "submit" for Invited Paper and enter Code (five digits) received from the invited session organizers. If the invited paper authors do not yet have the code,  you should ask your invited session organizers about it. (CPES2018  already informed  the invited session organizers of the Code by the reply mail that they received in uploading the proposal  to the web.)

d) The authors of the accepted papers must upload  the papers through PaperPlaza Conference Submission System until July 31, 2018 and make the registrations of Stages 1 and 2 until August 5, 2018 and August 15, 2018, respectively. Otherwise, the  papers will not be included in the proceedings. Please  note that IFAC PDF  conversion system is stricter and  give yourself a plenty of time to submit your papers.

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