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Call for Invited Sessions for IFAC CPES2018

​IFAC Technical Committee on Power & Energy Systems (TC6.3) is organizing IFAC CPES2018 in Tokyo, September 4-6, 2018. The CPES2018 puts out a call for invited sessions with the timeliness of the topic, quality record of the proposers and speakers, coherence of the session and expected value added to the overall technical program. Please submit the proposal of invited sessions to the following addresses:

​IPC Chair Prof. Kwang Y.  Lee:

​NOC Chair Prof. Hiroyuki Mori:


as well as 

the site of CPES2018 Invited  Sessions in PaperPlaza Conference Submission System (Please click "submit a contribution to CPES2018", and click "submit" for Invited Session Proposal. Regarding how to get PIN code, refer to Paper Submission.)

​The proposal should include the following information:

​1. Title and Abstract: Propose a title and an abstract of about 100 words that are of intrest to the CPES2018 attendees.

2. Scope (about 300 words): Explain the necessity of the invited session from the following standpoints:

    - Why the topics of the invited  session are  new and timely

    - Why it is relevant to the IFAC TC 6.3 community, etc.

2. Name of Organizers: Provide name of  organizers, their affiliations, E-mail address, Phone and FAX numbers, and correspondence address.

3. Proposed Speakers: Provide a list of all paper titles, speakers, co-authors and their affiliations. Each invited session should have 6 papers.

4. Short-bio: Provide a short bio of the session organizers (about 200 words)

5. Additional information (about 100 words) (e.g.,   experiences as invited or special session organizers at international conferences)

The schedule of special session proposals are given as follows:

Deadline: Feb. 13, 2018

Notification of acceptance: Feb. 14, 2018

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