
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journals.)
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journalsでない論文誌)
K. Kakuta and H. Mori an Efficient Multi-objective Metaheuristic Method for Probabilistic Transmission Network Expansion Planning,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 36, pp. 446-453, Nov. 2014.
H. Mori and K. Nakano “Application of Gaussian Process to Locational Marginal Pricing Forecasting,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 36, pp.220-226, Nov.2014.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(口頭発表)
K. Kakuta and H. Mori An Efficient Multi-objective Metaheuristic Method for Probabilistic Transmission Network Expansion Planning,” presented at Complex Adaptive Systems 2014, Philadelphia, USA, Nov. 2014.
H. Mori and K. Nakano “Application of Gaussian Process to Locational Marginal Pricing Forecasting,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), presented at Complex Adaptive Systems 2014, Philadelphia, USA, Nov. 2014.
H. Mori and K. Nakano “LMP Forecasting with Prefiltered Gaussian Process,” Proc. of IEEE CIS Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2014(SSCI2014), 6 pages, Orlando, FL, USA, Dec.2014.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(ポスター)
H. Mori, "Current Status of Green Energy Policy in Japan," Keynote of the 3rd International Symposium on Green Energy Policy Innovation (ISGEPI2014), Gyeongsang NationalUniversity, Jinju, South Korea, Dec. 2014.(基調講演)
森 啓之 ,「天候等の時系列変動に対応した高精度予測システム」明治大学・龍谷大学・JST主催新技術説明会 (2014-12).(JST(科学技術振興機構)新技術説明会講演)
森 啓之,「送電ネットワークのネットワーク分割とその応用について」文部科学省共同利用・共同研究拠点MIMS 現象数理学拠点 共同研究集会「スマートグリッドのモデル化とシミュレーション技術」(2014-10)(文部科学省共同利用・共同研究拠点MIMS 現象数理学拠点 共同研究集会「スマートグリッドのモデル化とシミュレーション技術」講演)
H. Mori, "Data Mining Applications for Smart Grid Operation in Japan," in Panel on "Field and Market Data Mining for Smart Grid Operation ", IEEE PES 2014 T&D, Chicago, IL, USA, Apr. 2014.
H. Mori, “Global Data Clustering for Power Market Data,” in Panel on "Data Mining for Power Market Regulatory Issues", IEEE PES General Meeting, 2014, Washington D.C., USA, July, 2014.
森 啓之「スマートグリッドとビッグデータの接点」,技術雑誌スマートグリッド,巻頭言, 2015年7月号, p.2(2015-7)
森 啓之「Demand Responseの研究動向:電力市場の視点から」, 技術雑誌スマートグリッド」pp.16-20,2016年1月号(2016-1)
森 啓之「電力系統状態推定の可観測解析のための並列計算法の開発」平成26電気学会B部門大会、論文Ⅱ論文番号114, 京都(2014-9)
H. Mori, “Development of Parallel Method for Topological Observability Analysis in Power System State Estimation,” Proc. of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of Power and Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), Paper No. 114, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2014. -
森 啓之、藤田創、黄棟「モーメントを考慮した天候デリバティブ設計法」平成26電気学会B部門大会,論文, 論文番号 140 , 京都(2014-9)
H. Mori, H. Fujita, and D. Huang,” An Efficient Design Method for Weather Derivatives with Moments,” Proc. of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of Power and Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), Paper No. 140, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2014. -
中野 郁、森 啓之:「インテリジェントシステムのLMP予測の応用」, 平成26電気学会B部門大会, 論文Ⅱ, 論文番号145 , 京都(2014-9)
K. Nakano and H. Mori, ” Application of Intelligent System to Locational Marginal Price Forecasting,” Proc. of the Twenty Five Annual Conference of Power and Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), Paper No. 145, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2014.
森 啓之:「トポロジー可観測性解析のための並列計算法」平成26年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, 資料番号PE-14-183/PSE-14-183, 大阪 (2014-9). H. Mori, “A Parallel Scheme for Topological Observability Analysis,” The Paper of Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering and Power Systems Engineering, IEE of Japan, Paper No. PE-14-183/PSE-14-183, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2014.
中野郁、森 啓之:「階層的ベイズモデルによる電力価格予測手法の開発」, 平成26年電気学会神奈川支所研究会, 資料番号KNG-15-009, 横浜 (2015-2).
森 啓之:「確率的近傍選択を用いたタブサーチによるネットワーク分割法」, 平成27年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-139 (2015-3)
中野 郁, 森啓之:「不確定性を考慮した改良型GPによる電力価格予測」, 平成27年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-149(2015-3)
藤田創、森啓之:「イブリッドインテリジェントシステムの天候デリバティブ設計への応用」, 平成27年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-150(2015-3)
中野 郁,森 啓之:「EPSOを用いたGaussian Processによる電力価格予測」,平成26年度進化計算学会進化計算シンポジウム、ポスターP4-10,廿日市、広島県(2014-12).
K. Nakano and H. Mori, “A Profiteered Gaussian Process Approach to Locational Magical Price Forecasting in Transmission, “ MIMS International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications 2014, Poster No. 8, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan (2015-1)
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journals.)
Tatsuya Iizaka, Toru Jintsugawa, Hideyuki Kondo, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, and Hiroyuki Mori, “A Wind Power Forecasting Method and Its Confidence Interval Estimation,” Electrical Engineering in Japan(John-Wiely, USA), Vol. 186, Issue 2, pp.52-60, Jan. 2014.
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journalsでない論文誌)
Masato Takahashi and Hiroyuki Mori,“A Hybrid Intelligent System Approach to Forecasting of PV Generation Output, " Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering (Taylor & Francis On-line Journal), Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 295-299, Oct. 2013.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(口頭発表)
T. Itagaki, Hiroyuki Mori, “Development of Fuzzy Inference Net for Electricity Price Forecasting,” Proc. of ISAP2013 (6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.
Masato Takahashi, and Hiroyuki Mori, ”Input Variable Selection of Solar Radiation Forecasting with Graphical Modeling,” Proc. of ISAP2013 (6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013
Tatsuya Iizaka, Naoto Ishibashi, Tohru Katsuno, and Hiroyuki Mori, “A Wind Power Forecasting Method with Confidence Intervals using Fuzzy Inference,” Proc. of ISAP2013(6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013
Tatsuki Nakadoi and Hiroyuki Mori, “Multi-objective Metaheuristics for Network Decomposition,” Proc. of ISAP2013 (6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.
Yoshihiro Ogita and Hiroyuki Mori, “A New Tabu Search Method for Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks,” Proc. of ISAP2013 (6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.
Wenjun Jiang and Hiroyuki Mori, “A DAEM-Based Finite Gaussian Mixture Model for Probabilistic Load Flow,” Proc. of ISAP2013 (6 pages), Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(ポスター)
H. Mori, "Graphical Modeling with Applications to Solar Radiation Forecasting," Keynote Talk at ISET2013 (International Symposium on, Energy Technology and Strategy 2013), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
H. Mori and T. Itagaki, "A Data Mining Technique for Electricity Price Zone Forecasting," Invited Panel on Data mining for operational and economic decisions, IEEE PES General Meeting 2013, Vancouver, Canada, and July. 2013.
高橋政人, 森啓之:「グラフィカルモデリングを用いた日射量予測における入力変数選択」, 平成25電気学会B部門大会, 論文Ⅰ, 論文番号15, 新潟 (2013-8)M. Takahashi and H. Mori, " Input Variables Selection with Graphical Modeling for Solar Radiation Forecasting," Proc. of the Twenty Five Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), No. 15, Nigata, Japan, Aug. 2013.
横山裕久, 森啓之:「配電系統のキャパシタ配置問題に対するMOEPSOの適用」, 平成25電気学会B部門大会, 論文Ⅰ, 論文番号3 (2013-8)
H. Yokoyama and H. Mori, "An Application of MOEPSO for Capacitor Placement in Distribution Network Systems," Proc. of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), No. 3, Niigata, Japan, Aug. 2013. -
森啓之、中野郁:「データマイニング手法を用いた電力価格の特徴抽出」, 平成24電気学会B部門大会, 論文Ⅱ, 論文番号189 (2013-8)
Hiroyuki Mori, Kaoru Nakano, "Feature Extraction of Electricity Pr -
高橋政人, 森啓之: 「スマートグリッド環境下の日射量予測における不確定性評価」, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol. 113, No. 362, pp. 1-4, SSS2013-28,東京 (2013-12)
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, "Uncertainty Assessment of Solar Radiation Forecasting under Smart Grid Environment," IEICE Technical Report, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, Vol. 113, No. 362, pp. 1-4, SSS2013-28, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2013. -
角田広樹,森啓之, 田村滋, 福山良和: 「多目的メタヒューリスティクスの送電系統拡張計画への応用」, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol. 113, No. 362, pp.5-8, SSS2013-29,東京 (2013-12)
中土居 樹, 森啓之:「多目的Memetic Algorithmの系統分割への応用」, 平成26年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-047(2014-3)
中野 郁, 森啓之:「ガウシアンプロセスを用いたLMP予測」, 平成26年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-195(2014-3)
横山裕久, 森 啓之:「キャパシタ配置問題に対するMOMHの比較」, 平成26年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-130 (2014-3)
高橋政人, 森啓之:「日射量予測に対する重回帰モデルとニューラルネットワーク手法の比較」, 平成26年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-195(2014-3)
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, “Application of Graphical Modeling to Input Variable Selection of Solar Irradiation Prediction, “ICMMA2013, Tokyo, Nov. 2013.
H. Yokoyama and H. Mori, "An MOEPSO-Based Method for Multi-Objective Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems," Proc. of the International Conference 2013 on Mathematical Modeling and Application, No. 24, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013.
Kaoru Nakano, Hiroyuki Mori, "Feature Extraction of Electricity Price with Hierarchical Clipping", International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Application, No.25, Tokyo, Japan, November. 2013
横山裕久, 森啓之:「MOEPSOの開発と配電システムへのその応用」, 進化計算シンポジウム2013,資料番号4-13,鹿児島(霧島ホテル) (2013-12)
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journals.)
Shoichi Urano and Hiroyuki Mori, " A method for determining pseudo-measurement state values for topology observability of state estimation in power systems,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 179, Issue 2, pp. 27-34, April 2012.
査読付き研究論文(SCI Journalsでない論文誌)
高橋政人, 森啓之:「EPSOを用いたGRBFNによる太陽光発電出力予測」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 133, No.1, pp. 72-78 (2013-1).
H. Fujita and H. Mori, “'A Hybrid Intelligent System for Designing a Contract Model for Weather Derivatives,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 12, pp.361-366, Nov. 2012.
Y. Ogita and H. Mori, “Parallel Dual Tabu Search for Capacitor Placement in Smart Grids,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 12, pp.307-313, Nov. 2012.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(口頭発表)
H. Fujita and H. Mori, “'A Hybrid Intelligent System for Designing a Contract Model for Weather Derivatives,” presented at CAS2012(Complex Adaptive Systems 2012) in Washington, DC, Nov. 2012.
Y. Ogita and H. Mori, "Parallel Dual Tabu Search for Capacitor Placement in Smart Grids,” presented at CAS2012 (Complex Adaptive Systems 2012) in Washington DC, Nov. 2012.
H. Mori and M. Takahashi, “Application of Preconditioned Generalized Radial Basis Function Network to Prediction of Photovoltaic Power Generation,” Proc. of IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2012, 6 pages, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2012.
H. Mori and T. Itagaki, "An Electricity Price Zone Forecasting Method with Fuzzy Inference Net,” Proc. of IFAC Symposium on Power Plant and Power System Control(PPPSC2012), 6 pages,Toulouse, France, Sept. 2012.
H. Mori and M. Takahashi, “Development of GRBFN with Global Structure for PV Generation Output Forecasting,” Proc. of IEEE PES General Meeting 2012, 6 pages, San Diego, CA, USA, July. 2012.
H. Mori and E. Kurata, “An Efficient Kernel Machine Technique for Short-term Load Forecasting under Smart Grid Environment g,” Proc. of IEEE PES General Meeting 2012, 6 pages, San Diego, CA, USA, July. 2012.
H. Yokoyama and H. Mori "An Estimation Method for Distribution Network Losses with Intelligent System", Proc. of ICEE 2012 (CD-ROM), Program # SG1-3, 4 pages,, Kanazawa, Japan, July 2012.
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, “A Hybrid Intelligent System Approach to Forecasting of PV Generation Output,” Proc. of ICEE 2012 (CD-ROM), Program # RE2-3, 4 pages, Kanazawa, Japan, July 2012.
H. Mori and M. Takahashi, “A Prediction Method for Photovoltaic Power Generation with Advanced Radial Basis Function Network,” Proc. of IEEE PES ISGT ASIA 2012, 6 pages, Tianjin, China, May 2012.
H. Mori and A. Takahashi, A Data Mining Method for Selecting Input Variables for Forecasting Modelof Global Solar Radiation,” Proc. of IEEE PES T&D 2012, 6 pages, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2012.
査読付き研究論文(Proceeding Papers, etc.)(ポスター)
森啓之:「海外のスマートグリッドの動向」, 富士電機技術士会講演,(2012-09)
H. Mori, "A Data Mining Technique for Global Solar Radiation Prediction," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012.
H. Mori and M. Takahashi, “Development of GRBFN with Global Structure for PV Generation Output Forecasting,” Panel on Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods Applied to New Power and Energy Systems, IEEE PES General Meeting 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, July. 2012.
H. Mori and E. Kurata, “An Efficient Kernel Machine Technique for Short-term Load Forecasting under Smart Grid Environment g,” Panel on Load forecasting methodologies and applications in operations and planning, IEEE PES General Meeting 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, July. 2012.
大貫安彦, 森啓之:「連続型潮流計算の確率電圧安定度評価への適用」, 平成24年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, 資料番号PE-12-068/PSE-12-080, 東京大学 (2012-8).
高橋政人, 森啓之:「ガウシアンプロセスを用いた日射量予測」, 平成24年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, 資料番号PE-12-139/PSE-12-155, 東京大学 (2012-8).M. Takahashi and H. Mori, "Solar Radiation Forecasting Using Gaussian Processes," The Paper of Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering and Power Systems Engineering, IEE of Japan, PE-12-139/PSE-12-155, Tokyo, Japan Aug. 2011.
横山 裕久,森 啓之:「配電系統再構成問題に対する多目的メタヒューリスティクスの適用」,平成24年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会, 資料番号PE-12-040/PSE-12-056, 東京大学 (2012-8).
中土居樹,森啓之:「DRを考慮した送電系統拡張計画」,平成24年電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会,PE-12-143/PSE-12-159, 東京大学 (2012-8)
T. Nakadoi and H. Mori: "Hierarchical Transmission Network Expansion Planning Considering DR," The Paper of Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering and Power Systems Engineering, IEE of Japan, PE-12-143/PSE-12-159, Aug. 2012. -
高橋政人, 森啓之:「EPSOを用いたGRBFNによる太陽光発電出力予測」, 平成24電気学会B部門大会, 論文Ⅰ, 論文番号13 (2012-9)
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, "A GRBFN-EPSO-Based Method for Predicting PV Generation Output," Proc. of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), No. 13, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2012. -
横山 裕久,森 啓之:「多目的メタヒューリスティクスの太陽光発電を持つ配電系統再構成への応用」,平成24年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門,論文Ⅱ,論文番号119,北海道大学(2012-09)
T. Nakadoi and H. Mori: "A Hierarchical Method for Transmission Network Expansion Planning," Proc. of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), No. 213, Sapporo, Sep. 2012.) -
大貫安彦,森啓之:「太陽光発電を持つ電力系統電圧安定度指標」,平成24年電気学会B部門大会,論文Ⅱ,論文番号242,北海道大学(2012-9)Y. Ohnuki and H. Mori: “Probabilistic Index of Voltage Instability for Power System with PV”, Proc. Of the Twenty-Forth Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society, IEE of Japan, (CD-ROM), No. 242, Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 2012.
中土居樹, 森啓之:「送電系統分割の多目的最適化」, 平成25年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-031名古屋大学 (2013-3)
高橋政人, 森啓之:「日射量予測に対するグラフィカルモデリングを用いた入力変数選択法」, 平成25年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-136, 名古屋大学(2013-3)
横山裕久, 森啓之:「キャパシタ配置問題に対するMOPSOの適用」, 平成25年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-151, 名古屋大学(2013-3)
小圷利史, 森啓之:「配電系統におけるSVR制御のためのEPSO」, 平成25年電気学会全国大会予稿集,講演番号6-163, 名古屋大学(2013-3)
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, , “A GP-Based Method for Global Solar Radiation Forecasting,,” presented at ICMAS, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan(2012-11)
H. Yokoyama and H. Mori, “Multi-objective Meta-heuristics for Distribution Network Reconfigurations,” presented at ICMAS, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan(2012-11)
T. Nakadoi and H. Mori, “A Hierarchical Optimization Approach to Large-scale Transmission Network Expansion Planning,” presented at ICMAS, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan(2012-11)
Y. Onuki and H. Mori, “Probabilistic Assessment of Voltage Instability in Distribution Networks with PV Systems,” presented at ICMAS, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan(2012-11)
T.. Koakutsu and H. Mori, "A PSO-Based Method for Voltage and Reactive Power Control in Distribution Systems," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012
M. Takahashi and H. Mori, "Development of a Hybrid Intelligent System for PV Generation Output Forecastin," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012
H. Yokoyama and H. Mori, "A Multi-objective Meta-heuristic Method for Distribution Network Reconfigurations," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012
Y. Onuki and H. Mori, "Evaluation of PV Curves in Power Systems with Mega Solar," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012
T. Nakadoi, H. Mori, "A Hierarchical Tabu Search for Transmission Network Expansion Planning," Meta-Heuristics Applied to Power Systems Workshop at CYCU, Chungli(中壢), Taiwan(台湾), Dec. 20, 2012.
森 啓之、「くだもの電池をつくろう」、東京都豊島区西部子ども家庭支援センター(2012-08)