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  1. 河内勇裕, 森啓之, H.D. Chiang:「Quantum Predator-Prey Brain Storm Optimizationを用いた 新しい発電機起動停止法の開発」,​電気学会論文誌B、144巻、2月号、pp.114-122(2025-2)

  2. 渡辺航太郎,森啓之:「ェーブレット変換を用いたRBFN型ELMネットワークによる風力発電出力予測」,​電気学会論文誌B、Vol. 143, No.8 pp.474-484(2023-8).

  3. 伊藤亮朗,森啓之:「Predator-Prey Brain Storm Optimization を用いたロバスト配電系統状態推定法」,​電気学会論文誌B、Vol. 143, No.2, pp.78-85(2023-2)

  4. 三輪陸人,森啓之:「BSOを用いたLasso-GRBFNによる電力価格予測」,​電気学会論文誌C、Vol. 143, No.2, pp.125-132(2023-2)

  5. 小川彰太, 森啓之:「 SS-PPBSOによる学習を用いた深層ボルツマンマシンによる太陽光発電出力予測」 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 140, No.2, pp.86-93 , 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp.421-427(2020-2)

  6. 小川彰太, 森啓之:「離散型島モデル PPBSO を用いた電圧・無効電力制御 のための最適回路分割法」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp.421-427(2019-6)

  7. 小川彰太, 森啓之:「Predator-Prey Brain Storm Optimizationを用いた階層的電圧・無効電力制御」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 139, No.2, pp.91-98(2019-2)

  8. 池上広光, 森啓之:「離散型 CoFFWAを用いた配電系統再構成法の開発」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 138 No.6, pp. 494-500 (2018-6)

  9. 板羽智史, 森啓之:「ファジィクラスタリング前処理ANNを用いた電力価格予測モデル」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 138 No.2,pp.90-98 (2018-2)

  10. 小川彰太, 森啓之:「状態推定におけるPMU最適配置へのモーメントマッチング法の応用」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 138 No.2, pp.124-130 (2018-2)

  11. 高橋政人, 森啓之:「EPSOを用いたGRBFNによる太陽光発電出力予測」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 133, No.1, pp. 72-78 (2013-1).

  12. 藤田創,森啓之:「ハイブリッドコーディングEPSOを用いたLoadability最大化のためのFACTS機器最適配置法」,電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 132, No. 1 , pp.118-124(2012-1).

  13. 角田広樹,森啓之:「解の多様性を考慮した改良型SPEA2による確率的供給信頼度評価」,電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 132 , No. 1 ,pp.125-132(2012-1).

  14. 飯坂 達也, 神通川 亨, 近藤 英幸, 中西 要祐, 福山 良和, 森 啓之:「風力発電予測手法とその信頼区間の推定手法」電気学会論文誌C,Vol. 131, No. 10, pp.1672-1678(2011-10).

  15. 吉田尚史,森啓之:「SVRの多目的最適配置に対するSPEAと指定値の相関を考慮したモンテカルロシミュレーションの適用」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 131, No. 3,  pp.283-289(2011-3).

  16. 大川健太,森啓之:「Advanced MOEPSOによるCO2排出を考慮した多目的経済負荷配分」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 131, No. 2, pp.158-166(2011-2).

  17. 角田広樹, 森啓之:「確率的供給信頼度を考慮したMOMAによる多目的送電系統拡充計画」電気学会論文誌B,電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 130, No. 12,  pp.1058-1066 (2010-12).

  18. 吉田尚史,森啓之:「SVRを考慮した配電系統再構成に対する新しい多目的メタヒューリスティクスの開発」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 130, No. 12, pp.1083-1091(2010-12).

  19. 石橋直人, 森啓之:「ハイブリッドインテリジェントシステムを用いた電圧安定度限界点への負荷マージン推定」電気学会論文誌B,電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 130, No. 12,  pp.1058-1066(2010-12).

  20. 吉田尚史, 森啓之:「確率的な配電系統拡張計画のための解の多様性を考慮した多目的Memetic Algorithmの適用」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 129, No. 12, pp.1546-1552(2009-12). 

  21. 大川健太,森啓之:「ハイブリッドメタヒューリスティクスによる非線形燃料コスト関数を考慮した発電機の起動停止計画」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 129, No. 12, pp.1567-1575(2009-12).

  22. 吉田尚史,森啓之:「確率的な配電系統拡張計画のための解の多様性を考慮した多目的Memetic Algorithmの適用」電気学会論文誌B,Vol. 129, No. 12, pp.1495-1502(2009-12).

  23. 浦野昌一,森啓之:「電力系統の状態推定におけるトポロジー可観測のための擬似観測値の決定手法」電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp.541-547(2009-4)

  24. 梅澤康士,森啓之:「Random Forestを用いた電力市場参加者の信用リスク評価」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 128-B, No.1, pp.pp.165-172(2008-1). 

  25. 倉田栄太郎,森啓之:「Informative Vector Machineを用いた短期電力負荷予測」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.127-B, No.4, pp. 566-572 (2007-4).

  26. 小嶋尊由輝,森啓之:「可変ステップ可変次数予測子による連続型潮流計算」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.126-B, No.6, pp. 611-618 (2006-6). 

  27. 古田篤広,森啓之:「配電系統復旧制御への並列タブサーチを用いた階層的最適化手法の適用」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.126-B, No.1, pp. 21-28 (2006-1).

  28. 岩下大輔,森啓之:「ANNモデルを用いた短期電力負荷予測におけるリスクの定量化」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.126-B, No.1, pp. 29-35 (2006-1).

  29. 近江正太郎,森啓之:「ガウシアンプロセスによる不確定性を表現した短期電力負荷予測」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 126-B, No. 2, pp. 202-208 (2006-2).

  30. 板垣忠大,森啓之,山田剛史,浦野昌一:「DA前処理付きFINNによる電力系統事故検出 」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 126-B, No. 3, pp. 290-296 (2006-3).

  31. 大吉 亘,森啓之:「放射状配電系統における新しい電力潮流計算」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 126-B, No. 3, pp. 290-296 (2006-3).

  32. 小嶋尊由輝,森啓之:「連続型潮流計算のための予測点集合を求める非線形予測子の開発」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.125-B, No.3, pp. 268-277(2005-3).

  33. 板垣忠大,森啓之:「短期電力負荷予測におけるクラスタ再構成前処理手法」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.125-B, No.3, pp. 302-307(2005-3)

  34. 森啓之,山田創平:「ラグランジュ補間非線形予測子を用いた連続型潮流計算」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.123-B, No.4, pp.539-549(2003-4).

  35. 森啓之,飯村吉典:「2層タブサーチによる分散電源を考慮した配電系統拡張計画」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.123-B, No.10, pp.1142-1148 (2003-10). 

  36. 森啓之,谷英伸:「2層タブサーチに基づく配電系統におけるD-FACTSの最適配置法」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.124-B, No.3, pp. 374-380(2004-3)

  37. 森啓之,坂谷嘉則,藤野達郎,沼一之:「回帰二進木を用いた翌日最大電力の特徴抽出」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.124-B, No.3, pp. 381-388(2004-3)

  38. 森啓之, 青山光,山中俊幸,浦野昌一:「DA前処理付き大域的構造を持つRBFNの電力系統事故検出への応用」,平成14年電気学会論文誌B,Vol.122-B, No.12,pp. 1355-1366 (2002-12)

  39. 森啓之, 松崎理:「電力系統の発電機起動停止問題への優先リスト付きタブサーチの適用」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.121-B, No.4, pp. 535-541(2001-4).

  40. 森啓之, 五島雄一郎:「ハイブリットコーディングを用いた並列タブサーチによるUPFC最適配置問題の解法」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.121-B, No.12, pp. 1840-1848(2001-12).

  41. 森啓之, 小瀬村紀之,石黒健太,近藤徹:「ファジィ最適回帰2進木を用いた短期電力負荷予測」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.121-B, No.12,pp. 1849-1855(2001-12)

  42. 森啓之,荻田能弘:「配電系統のキャパシタ配置法のための並列タブサーチアルゴリズム」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol.120-B, No. 8/9, pp. 1194-1201 (2000-8/9)

  43. 森啓之,小瀬村紀之:「データマイニング手法による短期電力負荷予測」,電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 121,No. 2,pp. 234-241 (2001-2)

  44. 森啓之, 浦野昌一:「S行列法のための修正一般化レイリー商反復法」 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 116, No.12,  pp. 1478-1484(1996-12).

  45. 森啓之,小林秀典:「ファジィ推論を用いた短期電力負荷予測」 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 116, No.11,  pp. 1354-1360(1996-11).

  46. 菅野純也, 森啓之,都築旋二:「Gershgorin 定理を用いたS行列における写像変換パラメータの決定法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 112-B, No.4, pp. 315-323(1992-4).

  47. 菅野純也, 森啓之,都築旋二:「行列の前処理を用いた高速動態安定度計算法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 112-B, No.5, pp. 375-382(1992-5).

  48. 菅野純也, 森啓之,都築旋二:「前処理行列を用いた電力潮流計算法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 112-B, No.8, pp. 693-700 (1992-4).

  49. 菅野純也, 森啓之,都築旋二:「電力系統想定事故解析のための新しいDC潮流計算法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 112-B, No.9, pp. 773-778(1992-9).

  50. 田丸義人、森啓之, 都築旋二:「Kohonen ニューラルネットを用いた動態安定度監視」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 111-B, No.7, pp. 749-756, (1991-7).

  51. 植松博、森啓之,都築旋二:「ニューラルネットによる高調波負荷の分類」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 111-B, No.7, pp. 15-22 (1991-7).

  52. 森啓之、都築旋二:「電力系統状態推定のための高速トポロジー可観測性解析法」電気学会論文誌 Vol. 108-B, No.6, pp. 237-244 (1988-6).

  53. 森啓之、 田村康男:「確率論的潮流計算におけるノード注入電力相関決定へのカルマンフィルタの応用」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 106, 2月号,  pp. 81-88(1986-1).

  54. 餘利野直人,長島義明,久保田徹,森啓之,田村康男:「電力系統安定度におけるパラメータ共振について」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 105,10月号,  pp. 805-812(1985-10).

  55. 森啓之,田村康男:「確率論的潮流計算によるVar設置計画」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 105, 9月号,  pp. 63-69(1985-9).

  56. 餘利野直人,森啓之,田村康男:「電力系統安定度とパラメータ共振の関係について」電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 105,1月号,  pp. 15-22(1985-1).

  57. 出川淳,森啓之,岩本伸一, 田村康男:「静的状態推定における不良データ検出とBDS推定法の改良について」,電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 104,2月号, pp. 1-8(1984-2).

  58. 井上俊雄,森啓之,岩本伸一,田村康男:「確率的潮流計算を用いた冗長観測変数の選定法」,電気学会論文誌,B分冊,Vol. 103, 1月号, pp. 45-51(1983-1).

掲載されたElectrical Engineering in Japan論文誌(SCI Journal)(20編)

  1. Shota Ogawa and Hiroyuki Mori, "PV Output Forecasting by Deep Boltzmann Machines with SS-PPBSO," Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley), Vol. 140, No.2, pp.86-93, June 10 2020.

  2. Hiromitsu Ikegami and Hiroyuki Mori, "Development of discrete CoFFWA for distribution network reconfigurations,"  Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley), Vol. 204, No. 3, pp.10-20, Aug. 2018.

  3. Satoshi Itaba and Hiroyuki Mori, "An Electricity Price Forecasting Model with Fuzzy Clustering Preconditioned ANN,"  Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley), Vol. 204, No. 3, pp.10-20, Aug. 2018.

  4. Tatsuya Iizaka, Toru Jintsugawa, Hideyuki Kondo, Yosuke Nakanishi, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, and Hiroyuki Mori, “A Wind Power Forecasting Method and Its Confidence Interval Estimation,” Electrical Engineering in Japan(John-Wiely, USA), Vol. 186, Issue 2, pp.52-60, Jan. 2014.

  5. Shoichi Urano and Hiroyuki Mori, " A method for determining pseudo-measurement state values for topology observability of state estimation in power systems, “Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 179, Issue 2, pp. 27-34, April 2012.

  6. Eitaro Kurata, and Hiroyuki Mori, "Short-term load forecasting using informative vector machine,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 166, Issue 2, pp. 23-31, Jan. 2009.

  7. Tadahiro Itagaki, Hiroyuki Mori, Takeshi Yamada and, Shoichi Urano, "Application of DA-preconditioned FINN for electric power system fault detection,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 166, Issue 2, pp. 39-46, Jan. 2009.

  8. Daisuke Iwashita, and Hiroyuki Mori, "Risk quantification for ANN based short-term load forecasting,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 166, Issue 2, pp. 54-62, Jan. 2009.

  9. R. Yokoyama, T. Oyama, N. Yorino, T. Ishikawa, H. Mori, and T. Hiyama, "Advanced and intelligent technologies for reliable operation of power systems and electricity markets, “IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering(Wiley InterScience)Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 464-472, Sep. 2008.

  10. Atsuhiro Furuta, and Hiroyuki Mori, "Application of parallel tabu search-based hierarchical optimization to distribution system service restoration,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 166, Issue 2, pp. 15-23, Sept. 2008.

  11. Takayuki Kojima and Hiroyuki Mori, "Development of Nonlinear Predictor with a Set of Predicted Points for Continuation Power Flow,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 163, Issue 4, pp. 30-41, June 2008.

  12. Tadahiro  Itagaki, and Hiroyuki Mori, “Reconstructing clusters for preconditioned short-term load forecasting,“Electrical Engineering in Japan (Wiley InterScience), Vol. 161, Issue 1, pp. 26-33, Oct. 2007

  13. Hiroyuki Mori and Hidenobu Tani, “A two-layered neighborhood tabu search-based approach to optimal allocation of D-FACTS in distribution systems,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 160, Issue 3, pp. 29-37, May 2006.

  14. Hiroyuki Mori, Yoshinori Sakatani, T. Fujino and K. Numa, “Feature extraction of one-step-ahead daily maximum load with regression tree,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan (Wiley InterScience), Vol. 160, Issue 2, pp. 43-51, July 2006.

  15. Hiroyuki Mori and Noriyuki Kosemura, "A data mining method for short-term load forecasting in power systems,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan (Wiley InterScience), Vol. 139, Issue 2, pp. 12-22, Apr. 2002.

  16. Yoshito Tamaru, Hiroyuki  Mori and S. Tsuzuki, “Monitoring power system dynamic stability with a Kohonen neural nets,“ Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.113、, Issue 6, pp. 71-80, Aug. 1993.

  17. Hiroyuki Mori and Yasuo Tamura, "Determination of Correlation Coefficients in Stochastic Load Flow Using Kalman Filter," Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 106, Issue 2, pp. 65-73, Sept. 1986.

  18. Naoto Torino, Yoshiaki Nagashima, Testu Kubota, Hiroyuki Mori, and Yasuo Tamura, "Parametric response of power systems," “Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 105, Issue 6, pp. 74-82, Oct. 1985.

  19. Hiroyuki Mori and Yasuo Tamura, "Var allocation using probabilistic load flow,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 105, Issue 6, pp. 65-73, Sept. 1985

  20. Toshio Inoue, Hiroyuki  Mori, Shinichi Iwamoto, and Yasuo Tamura, ”Redundant Measurement Selection Using Stochastic Load Flow,”,“Electrical Engineering in Japan(Wiley InterScience), Vol. 105, Issue 6, , pp. 56-62, Jan./Feb. 1983.

発表されたIEEE論文誌論文(SCI Journals)(9編)

  1. H. Mori and A.Yuihara, "Deterministic Annealing Clustering for ANN-Based Short-term Load Forecasting, " IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 545-551, Aug. 2001.

  2. H. Mori, H. Tanaka and J. Kanno "A Preconditioned Fast Decoupled Power Flow Method for Contingency Screening," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 350-356 Feb. 1996.

  3. H. Mori and H. Kobayashi, "Optimal Fuzzy Inference for Short-Term Load Forecasting," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 390-396, Feb. 1996.

  4. H. Mori and K. Takeda, "Parallel Simulated Annealing for Power System Decomposition," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 789-795, May. 1994.

  5. H. Mori, J. Kanno, S. Tuzuki, "A Sparsity-Oriented Technique for Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis with a Preconditioned Conjugate Residual Method," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1150-1158 Aug. 1993.

  6. H. Mori, S. Tuzuki, Y. Tamaru, "An Artificial Neural Net-Based Technique for Power System Dynamic Stability with the Kohonen Model," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 856-964 May 1992.

  7. H. Mori, and S. Tuzuki, "A Fast Method for Topological Observability Analysis Using a Minimum Spanning Tree Technique," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 491-500, May 1991.

  8. H. Mori, S. Tuzuki, H. Uematu, K. Itou, "An Artificial Neural-Net Based Method for Predicting Power System Voltage Harmonics," IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 402-409, Jan. 1992.

  9. H. Mori S. Iwamoto andY. Tamura, "Relationship Between Voltage Instability and Multiple Load Flow Solutions in Electric Power Systems," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems and Apparatus, Vol. 102, No.5, pp. 1115- 1125, May 1983.


  1. Shota Ogawa and Hiroyuki Mori, “Robust Optimization for Network Decomposition of VQC with Scatter-Search-Predator-Prey Brain Storm Optimization,” IFAC-PapersOnline (Elsevier), Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 402-407, Dec. 2022.

  2. Shota Ogawa and Hiroyuki Mori, “Integration of Deep Boltzmann Machine and Generalized Radial Basis Function Network for Photovoltaic Generation Output Forecasting,”  IFAC-Papers-OnLine (Elsevier), Vol 53, Issue 2, pp. 12163-12168,  Nov. 2020.

  3. Soichiro  Ookurawa and Hiroyuki Mori, “An Efficient Method for Wind Power Generation Forecasting by LSTM in Consideration of Overfitting Prevention,” IFAC-Papers-OnLine(Elsevier), Vol 53, Issue 2, pp. 12169-12174,  Nov. 2020.

  4. Shota Ogawa and Hiroyuki Mori,  “A Gaussian-Gaussian-Restricted-Boltzmann-Machine-Based Deep Neural Network Technique for Photovoltaic System Generation Forecasting,” IFAC PapersOnLine, Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp. 87-92, Dec. 2019.

  5. Hiroyuki Mori,  Shota Ogawa, and Hsiao-Dong Chiang, “Optimal Power Network Decomposition for Voltage and Reactive Power Control with Predator-Prey Brain Storm Optimization,” IFAC PapersOnLine, Vol. 51, Issue 28, pp.227-2327 Dec. 2018.

  6. Hiriomitsu Ikegami and Hiroyuki Mori, “Development of DEPSO Island Model with Particle Speed Limit for Distribution Network Reconfigurations,” IFAC PapersOnLine, Vol. 51, Issue 28, pp.552-557, Dec. 2018.

  7. M. Okada and H. Mori, “Application of DEPSO to Maximizing Margin to Saddle Node Bifurcation in Power System Voltage Instability,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol.114, pp.417-424, Oct. 2017.

  8. S.Itaba and H. Mori, “A Fuzzy-Preconditioned GRBFN Model for Electricity Price Forecasting,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol.114, pp.441-448, Oct. 2017

  9. H. Mori and K. Nakano, “An Efficient Hybrid Intelligent Method for Electricity Price Forecasting,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 95, pp.287-296, Nov. 2016.

  10. H. Mori and H. Yokoyama,” A Hybrid Intelligent Method for Estimating Distribution Network Reconfigurations,” IFACPaperOnline (Elsevier), Vol. 49, Issue 27, pp. 152-157, 2016.

  11. H. Mori, ”Application of Graphical Modelling to Selecting Input Variables for Solar Radiation Forecasting,”  IFACPaperOnline (Elsevier),  Vol. 48, Issue 30, pp. 137-142, 2015.

  12. K. Kakuta and H. Mori, “ An Efficient Multiobjective Metaheuristic Method for Probabilistic Transmission Network Expansion Planning,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 36, pp. 446-453, Nov. 2014.

  13. H. Mori and K. Nakano “Application of Gaussian Process to Locational Marginal Pricing Forecasting,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 36, pp.220-226, Nov. 2014.

  14. Masato Takahashi and Hiroyuki Mori, “A Hybrid Intelligent System Approach to Forecasting of PV Generation Output, " Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering (Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, South Korea), Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 295-299, Oct. 2013.

  15. H. Fujita and H. Mori, “'A Hybrid Intelligent System for Designing a Contract Model for Weather Derivatives',” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 12, pp.361-366, Nov. 2012.

  16. Y. Ogita and H. Mori, “Parallel Dual Tabu Search for Capacitor Placement in Smart Grids,” Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 12, pp.307-313, Nov. 2012.

  17. H. Mori and H. Kakuta, "Modified SPEA2 for Probabilistic Reliability Assessment in Smart Grids," Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier), Vol. 6 (Complex Adaptive Systems), pp. 435-440, Nov. 2011.

  18. H. Mori and H. Fujita, “Development of HybridCoded EPSO for Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices in Uncertain Smart Grids,” Procedia Computer Science(Elsevier), Vol. 6(Complex Adaptive Systems), pp. 429-434, Nov. 2011.

  19. H. Mori and T. Muroi, "Distribution System Service Restoration Using TS with Probabilistic Neighborhood" in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), "Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks," Vol. 18, pp.727-734, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 2008.

  20. R. Yokoyama, T. Oyama, N. Yorino, T. Ishikawa, H. Mori, and T. Hiyama, "Advanced and Intelligent Technologies for Reliable Operation of Power Systems and Electricity Markets, “IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Wiley InterScience), Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 464-472, Sep. 2008.

  21. H. Mori and A. Furuta, "Hierarchical Optimization Based Service Restoration Algorithm for Distribution System" in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), "Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks," Vol. 15, pp.259-264, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 2005.

  22. H. Mori, Y. Sakatani, T. Fujino and K. Numa, "An Integrated Method of Fuzzy Data Mining and Fuzzy Inference for Short-term Load  Forecasting," Engineering Intelligent Systems Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.73-80, June 2005.

  23. N. Kosemura and H. Mori, “A Tabu Search Based Approach to Robust State Estimation in Radial Power Distribution Systems,” in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), “Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks,” Vol. 13, pp. 347-353, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 2003.

  24. H. Mori, H. Aoyama, T. Fujino and K. Numa, “Application of Preconditioned RBFN to Short-term Load Forecasting,” in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), “Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks,” Vol. 12, pp. 657-663, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 2002.

  25. H. Mori and O. Matsuzaki, “Application of Tabu Search to Meter Placement in Static State Estimation,” Int'l J. of Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 203-208, Dec. 1999.

  26. H. Mori, Y. Sone, D. Moridera and T. Kondo, "Accumulative Effect of Discomfort Index for Fuzzy Shortterm Load Forecasting," Int'l J. of Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 233-238, Dec. 1999.

  27. H. Mori and E. Ando, "A Simplified Fuzzy Inference Approach to DynamicContingency Screening in Power Systems," in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), "Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks," Vol. 9, pp. 573-579, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 1999.

  28. H. Mori and Y. Ogita, "Tabu Search Based Static State Estimation for DistFlow in Radial Distribution Systems," in C.H. Dagli, et al. (Eds.), "Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks," Vol. 9, pp.1033-1039, ASME Press, New York, U.S.A., Nov. 1999.

  29. H. Mori, S. Tsuzuki, T. Sakurai, Y.Kojima, and N. Sato., "Relationship between Voltage Harmonics and Distortion Factor in Electric Power Systems," Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 65-76, July 1989.

  30. Y. Tamura, H. Mori , and S. Iwamoto, “Fast Computation Algorithm for 2nd-order AC Load Flow with Application to Ill-conditioned Systems,” International Journal of  Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 179-186, Oct. 1981.

Books in English(11編)

  1. Hiroyuki Mori and Masato Takahashi, "Subsection 6.7 EPSO-Based Solar Power Forecasting"  in Kwang Lee and Zita Vale (Eds.) "Applications of Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods in Power and Energy  Systems," pp.691-703, Wiley, New York, April 17.,2020.

  2. H.Mori and H. Ikegami, "An Efficient MVMO‒SH Method for Optimal Capacitor Allocation in Electric Power Distribution Systems,"  in Y. Tan, et al. (Eds.) , Advance in Swarm Intelligence (Lecture Note on Computer Science), pp. 465-474, Springer, July 2007.

  3. H. Mori, S. Tamura and Y.  Fukuyama (Eds.), “Energy Management for Smart Community,” Taiga Publishing, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2015.

  4. H. Mori, Y. Sakatani, T. Fujino and K. Numa, "An Efficient Hybrid Method of Regression Tree and Fuzzy Inference for Short-term Load Forecasting in Electric Power Systems," in A. Lofti and M. J. Garibaldi (Eds.), “Applications and Science in Soft Computing,” pp. 287-294, Springer, Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2003.

  5. H. Mori and M. Takahashi, “Application of Ordinal Optimization Based Tabu Search to Voltage and Reactive Power Control in Electric Power Systems," in Vol. 59, M. Mohammadian (Ed.), "Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications," pp. 221-226, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2000.

  6. H. Mori, “Chapter 8: Hybrid Techniques in Fuzzy Logic” in K. Tomsovic and M.Y. Chow (Eds.) “Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic Applications in Power Systems,” IEEE Special Publication Catalog Number 99 TP 140-0, 6 pages,  Dec.1999.

  7. H. Mori, “Chapter 9: Genetic Algorithm-Based Methods for Power System Operation and Planning” in IEEJ Research Committee on GA-Based Combinatorial Optimization Method Application (Eds.), “Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural, Nets (in Japanese)” Corona Publishing, pp.199-223, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 1998.

  8. H. Mori, “Applications of Revised Boltzmann Machines to Topological Observability Analysis," in Dillon and Nibuer (Eds.), "Neural Networks Applications in Power Systems", pp. 319-329, CRL Publishing, London, UK, July 1996.

  9. H. Mori, "State-of-the-Art Overview on Artificial Neural Networks in Power Systems," in   M. A. El-Sharkawi and D. Nibuer (Eds.) “Tutorial Course on Artificial Neural Networks with Applications to Power Systems,” IEEE Catalog No. 96 TP 112-0, pp. 51-70, Jan. 1996.

  10. H. Mori, "Chaotic Behavior of Optimal Multiplier of Load Flow Calculation in Electric Power Networks," in M. Yamaguchi (Ed.), “Towards the Harnessing of Chaos,” pp. 377-380, Elsevier Science, June 1994.

  11. H. Mori, "Quadratic Load Flow Calculation in Electric Power Systems with a Hopfield Model," in I. Aleksander and J. Taylor (Eds.), “Artificial Neural Networks 2,” pp. 1667-1670, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Sep. 1992.

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